Creative Fight

There will be days you don't want to create. There will be days that the last thing you'll want to do is pick up your camera, your pen, your paintbrush, your violin...
There will be times you're bored with your ideas and feel stuck wondering if you've had your last one.
There will be days you feel done with creating, and you may even convince yourself that you were never creative in the first place. There will be days you want to give up.
Creativity is about seeing the colors in a world of gray. It isn't a black and white, never or always. The process of creating has hills and valleys.
You are still creative whether your last idea was years ago or you were flooded with ideas an hour ago.
You're still a creative, even if you find yourself in a dry or slow season.
You're still creative whether you created today, or have been struggling to for years.
You were created to create. As a created being, you're a work of art made to make art.
"Quitting is fundamentally different from stopping. The latter happens all the time. Quitting happens once. Quitting means not starting again–and art is all about starting again." - Art & Fear
The only way out is through. You might not be able to escape your dry, overwhelmed, or burned out season, but you can get through it.
You can fight your way through the brambles, slowly but surely. Yet sometimes that fight for creativity requires us to carve out a quiet space and allow our minds to rest before we have the strength to create again. And you can rest assured that you will create again.