Moving From The Familiar

I knew my style.
I’ve had two distinctive styles throughout my photography “career,” then there was the transitionary style in between them. But now, after a year and a half with virtually no creating, I’m not fully sure what my new style will be.
That doesn’t mean I’m abandoning the old, it just means that I want to explore openly as I step into the new.
I loved my style before, with the bright vibrant colors.
And yet, something felt stagnant about my art. Yes, there was movement within the frame, but there was also a stiltedness in repeated poses and similar locations and concepts.
Am I throwing that away? Not completely.
I don’t know what comes next, and I’m sure that the work I’ll create will bear some resemblance to what has already been. And yet, I don’t want to confine myself to the box of how I used to create.
I’m going to start with some experimentation. Maybe experimentation is too strong a word. I’m going to step in with open hands and an open mind and see what comes to me. Whether that’s closely in line with the work I created prior to my creative break to pursue psychology or something radically different; I’m going to create and see what comes.
I know there’s at least one series I’m planning (really two) that will be visually different, although they have some overlap and similarity with a couple pieces I’ve created before. I’m open to change, it’s how we grow. But I also want to build on what I’ve already done.
I want to try a creation challenge. I haven’t decided yet whether it will be most of a month, or something a little different. But I think I need to give myself the opportunity to openly create before I commit again to a particular style.