One Step At A Time
Do you struggle to find balance between multiple forms of creativity or many different creative projects?
This has been a huge struggle for me, and it's often lead to me not working on any of my projects well. My attention has been so split bouncing between different projects and seeking uncertainty about which ones are more important. Maybe you can relate.
Do you ever just need a reset?
We take one step after the other, not always certain of where the path will lead, but knowing with certainty that there’s hope in the broken places in between as we wrestle through to the other side.
Don't Be Afraid to Fail
Two and a half years ago I set out to shoot a new series, titled: The Mask. It was autumn 2019 and I'd been preparing for a while. I'd had the idea for the series earlier in the year, did my first test shoot that summer, collected materials I needed, and traveled six hours for the perfect location.
Only the whole shoot failed.
Disclaimers on Art
Disclaimers on art. I've spoken of it before. I've often found a strong urge to justify my work, to explain why I'm sharing, and to point out all the flaws in the piece and why I don't like it.
But what good does that serve?
Schedule Tips
A few weeks ago, I decided to try following a rigid schedule. It's taken a long time for me to reach this point. Up until now, I've loved my routines and the flexibility they've given me to spend as much time on a given project as I'd like.
But I'd found so many projects piling up. Tasks on my to-do list that I've wanted to avoid, and projects that I've been excited about but just haven't found the time for. A schedule helps me fit these things in.
Be A Beginner
A couple weeks ago, I began to follow a rigid schedule. I'll probably write about this experience sometime soon, but one of the things I've realized through following this schedule is that I need to make time to be a beginner again.
And so, that's what I'm doing.
Validate Sharing Art
Do you struggle to validate your art? Do you struggle to give weight or value to the work you create? Do you struggle to justify the time you spend creating?